April 2020 - Anemones


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When predators hunt for small reef fish in the ocean, many of those small fish do the same thing: they hide in a nearby anemone, a type of marine animal related to corals and jellyfish.

New research from the University of Delaware shows that larger-bodied fish also associate with anemones. The difference is that the big fish associate with anemones as juveniles, while the smaller bodied species partner with anemones throughout their lives. This mutualistic relationship, in which individuals from two or more species cooperate, is driven by predation.

“Being able to understand why this relationship has evolved can tell us more about coral reef ecosystems as a whole,” said Lane Johnston, who graduated with her master’s degree from UD in marine behavioral ecology in 2018 and worked on the study during her time at the University. “Our finding was that predation and trying to avoid predation is really what drives the relationship, and that might help us understand how population dynamics change on a reef or in any ecosystem moving forward.”

Read more about the research at the Ecology Letters scientific journal, and learn more about anemones in the newest episode of SeaTalk.

Notable Dates

  • March 30 to April 3 - Delaware Severe Weather Awareness Week. Sponsored by the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), the University of Delaware and the National Weather Service (NWS), Delaware Severe Weather Awareness Week focuses on flood hazards, lightning safety, tornado preparedness, and more.

  • April 1 - April Fools Day. The consensus day for hoaxes, pranks, and practical jokes, April Fools is celebrated in many countries around the world. This article at History.com speculates as to the origins of the day.

  • April 22 - Earth Day. First established in 1970, Earth Day celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, with activities and events demonstrating support for environmental protection. To learn more, visit the official Earth Day site at www.earthday.org

  • April 24 - Arbor Day. Serving as a time when people are encouraged to plant trees, Arbor Day sees many communities and organizations taking part in tree-planting, litter pickup, and other events. Learn more about the holiday at Arbor Day Foundation.

Kevin Liedel