June 2020 - Climate Change Education


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Getting students interested in the environment early on in their education often encourages a lifetime of learning. Unfortunately, many teachers in K-12 do not have a background in climate change education.

Delaware Sea Grant works with others in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, including the Chesapeake and Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserves, to provide training to help bridge that gap. Programs like the 2019 Climate Academy provided participants with climate change content, helped them become familiar with curriculum connections to climate change, and guided them towards developing a plan for teaching about climate in their classroom. To learn more about DESG’s educator workshops and resources, visit our teacher development page.

This year, our partners have expanded their offerings to a virtual, multiple-day Mid-Atlantic Climate Change Education Conference (MACCEC), a unique convening of formal and non-formal educators to share and learn about the latest trends in climate change education. To learn more, visit the official MACCEC homepage, or watch the latest episode of SeaTalk.

Notable Dates

  • June 8 — On World Oceans Day, people around our blue planet celebrate and honor our ocean, which connects us all. Get together with your family, friends, community, and millions of others around our blue planet to start creating a better future. Learn more at the official webpage.

  • June 15Global Wind Day is a worldwide event that encourages discovering wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to reshape our energy systems and to decarbonise our economies and boost jobs and growth. To learn more about wind power in Delaware, visit the official webpage of UD’s Center for Research in Wind.

  • June 28 —The Ocean Currents Lecture Series from UD’s College of Earth, Ocean & Environment, continues this summer from May to September, free and open to the public. In the June 28th talk, Kate Fleming of Delaware Sea Grant and Art Trembanis of the UD School of Marine Science and Policy present, “Grappling with ghost fishing in Delaware’s Inland Bays." Click here to learn more and register.

  • June 28 June 30 - The Mid-Atlantic Climate Change Education Conference is a unique convening of formal and non-formal educators to share and learn about the latest trends in climate change education. This year, the MACCE Conference will be hosted virtually. Click here to learn more and register.

Kevin Liedel