Delaware Sea Grant is facilitating an online knowledge exchange for members of the public with researchers from the University of Delaware’s Center for Research in Wind (CReW). The event will present science and policy-based information about the local siting challenges and opportunities around proposed offshore shore wind projects in the Mid-Atlantic region.
One option for utility-scale, low-carbon electricity to reduce greenhouse gases and other pollutants in the region in the near term is offshore wind power. After presenting some information about the activities up and down the Atlantic Coast, UD experts will answer questions from the public and facilitate discussion in small breakout rooms organized around three topics:
Potential environmental effects to wildlife
Potential effects to tourism and economic development opportunities.
Wind resource, electricity transmission and connection to shore
The event will conclude with an explanation of the decision-making process and range of actors to give participants an idea of how to engage in the process in the future. Registration for the event has filled.