April 2019 — Great Cypress Swamp
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Delaware can be a surprising place given its small size. It boasts many kinds of habitats, from the coastal ocean to the beginning of the Piedmont. And its location between the North and South means it can see species normally associated with either region.
The Great Cypress Swamp in southwestern Delaware is a great example of both — a unique (and surprising!) ecosystem with the northernmost stand of Bald Cypress trees, which define many Southern wetlands. Learn more in this month’s Sea Talk, then check out our partner Delaware Wild Lands’ page on their restoration project.
Notable Dates:
April 6 — Start the month by helping with a clean-up or restoration project. Delaware Nature Society is hosting a tree planting at Middle Run outside Newark, and there are clean-ups throughout the Christina River Watershed. Make sure you sign up before you show up to help!
April 15 — Delaware Severe Weather Awareness Week starts on this Monday and features days on coastal hazards (Tuesday), preparedness (Friday) and more. Watch for information on deseagrant social media.
April 17 — Wilmington’s Earth and Arbor Day Celebration is hosted by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary from 11 to 2. Find the Delaware Sea Grant table for some of our educational publications or to ask a staff member about our work.
April 22 — Created in 1970 by Sen. Gaylord Nelson and credited with helping to launch the modern environmental movement in the United States and to establish the Environmental Protection Agency, Earth Day will be celebrated by organizations throughout the state on this Saturday.
April 28 — Like our Coast Day in the fall, University of Delaware’s Ag Day at the end of April is a combination of a community day and an open house, this one for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Bring the family to this free event on UD’s Newark campus between 10 and 4.